Batuque Brasil

Initiations, Rites & Rituals







African religions, in and outside the Continent, have seen an increasing interest by people who traditionally professed other religions, most notably Christianity. The past few decades have seen massive conversions into Vodou, Santeria, Candomblé, Palo, Umbanda, Batuque, etc. up to an extent that it is now something ‘fashionable’ to say that one is initiated into this or that tradition.


Far from a way of gaining status, initiation into one of these ‘power religions’ is something that cannot be taken lightly. There are people who will say that anyone can initiate and become a priest in a given tradition and then never again decide to practice that tradition. It is true that initiation can be taken by anyone with a true desire to serve the deities. Anyone can present themselves to be initiated in our House, for instance. But if you plan to initiate, it is for life. For, if you are going to initiate and then leave it all behind, then why initiate at all?


Initiation is not the main or only gateway to practicing Batuque. True, it is the most powerful way of practicing it! In our House, those who wish and need to be initiated into Batuque will be initiated according to the tradition. By tradition, we mean the mainstream Batuque since there is no one single Batuque lineage or way of doing things. Each house or terreiro will add elements to the initiatory ceremonies at will but there are minimum requirements for someone to claim to be a Batuque initiate.


Learning the path of Batuque takes time!  And learning the path of Batuque to become a priest takes even longer! Mainstream Batuque does not accept certain widespread practices in which someone who has never had any contact with an African or African-based spiritual tradition could, in as little as a fortnight become a full priest in the tradition.


This is impossible in any African-based tradition. And Batuque, even though being Brazilian, does not differ very much on that.


Further information is obtainable by writing to the Head Priest of our house.


Initiation is a costly ceremony requiring the efforts of many people. It is a serious issue. Please ONLY enquire if you are genuinely willing to accept all the responsibilities (and not only the glories!) of a Batuqueiro.


Please fill out this box below for information on Initiations in our House. All information request is mandatory.




The Shrine offers spiritual services for a variety of situations including both general and specialized services. We do not offer free advice. The Shrine provides private consultations through e-mail as well as in-person sessions in our Shrine precincts. Most in-person sessions are 45 min.-1 hr. in length. We do not offer medical or psychological consultation. Please consult your doctor or mental health professional for these services.


General Services 

  • Cleansing and shredding
  • House and/or Office cleansing – removal of negative energies from your home and/or work.

  • Divination

  • Love attraction and relationship enhancement

  • Career/finance

  • Herbal preparations

  • Charms and talismans for general purposes

  • Personalized charms and talismans for protection against negative energy,

  • witchcraft, sorcery, etc.

  • Special powders

  • Spiritual counseling


Specialized Services 

  • Alignment Ceremony – spiritual balancing using healing and centering techniques such as extraction healing, soul retrieval, etc.
  • Life Path (Destiny) Divination – a special divination to determine one’s destiny on Earth. This is not a ‘horoscope-type’ of divination

  • Divination to identify one’s crown spirit

  • Installation of Tables for the Ancestors

  • Installation of the Sacred Symbols of the Orixá’

  • Installation of ‘Assentamentos’ (sacred Symbols) of Batuque

  • Ceremonies for the Spirit of the Head

  • Orisa Initiation (Kari'Osha)

  • Orisa Priestly Initiation and Ordination



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